Best wishes during the Holiday Season!

Christmas is a season of happiness, a period where our regular routine stops. We’re happy to take part in celebrations and entertaining evenings. These times are ideal for sharing delicious meals. Taking advantage of this period to recharge our batteries! After all, it is our families and friends, big and small, that help us enjoy […]

Is your salad giving you the energy you need?

When people think of dieting, they often think of salads for lunch and boiled chicken breasts for dinner. Although we do not believe in diets (see this post for more detail), we do believe that a salad can be nourishing and, if made right, delicious! A lot of the time, we tend to neglect energizing foods that […]

Eating breakfast pays off!

ENERGIZE YOURSELF BY EATING BREAKFAST Before going to work, before going to school or before starting a day of gentle idleness, we can never say it enough, lunch is the number one meal of the day. After a hearty breakfast, the hunger of young and old will be appeased until dinner or almost! WHY IS […]

Preventing and managing diabetes, one step at a time

With the busy lives we lead as part of a fast-paced society, traditional full meals are often skipped. What was once a dinner of carrots, turnips, beets, chicken, and potatoes is now a sandwich eaten with one hand while the other is busy typing on a computer keyboard.  And this from one end of the […]

Tastes are in nature!

In nutrition as in everything else, each person is unique and has his or her own tastes! TASTES ARE IN NATURE Tastes are in nature”, as they say, which explains why for one person, blueberries of Lac Saint-Jean taste like heaven and for another they are just blueberries, no more and no less. To cultivate […]

5 ideas to improve your favourite muffin recipe

Did you know that a commercial muffin found in a fast food or grocery store can contain three times more sugar and twice as much fat as a chocolate donut? Up to 9 teaspoons of sugar can be hidden in a fast-food muffin, which is the same amount of sugar found in a can of […]

Improving your health through food is it worth the effort?

Even though Nutrition Month is over, we’re still talking about the theme set up by Dietitians of Canada. This time we will be addressing nutrition and its power to improve certain health issues. While in the last post we focused on prevention, this one is about nutrition and its power to improve health. CAN FOOD […]

Preventing foodborne illness while travelling: our top 5 tips

In many countries around the world, the hygiene of both water and food may pose an important health risk. In fact, traveler’s diarrhea is the most common illness affecting travelers who are visiting certain countries. Luckily, with these practical tips, we hope to help you have a stress and worry-free trip! Who is at risk? Although anyone […]

Will you choose to eat or remove the peel?

« Eating the peel of my vegetables, really??? Eating fruit peels no problem, but eating carrot, squash and parsnips peels? There are limits! » « Are you sure? » What do you think are the benefits of eating vegetable peels? It obviously becomes much faster to prepare a soup or a vegetable stir-fried The peel […]

Ode to our beautiful planet

June 5th of every year is World Environment Day. From year to year, this day is becoming increasingly important given the number of people who are beginning to become aware of the state of our planet. For many, the day now extends to the rest of the other 364 days of the year. In fact, […]

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