Discovering our microbiota

Microbiota sounds familiar, doesn’t it? This refers to the community of microorganisms living in our body, mostly in our digestive system. Over the past few years, science has focused on the bacterial world of our intestines, as well as Netflix with a recent documentary named ‘’Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut’’. What is […]

Best wishes during the Holiday Season!

Christmas is a season of happiness, a period where our regular routine stops. We’re happy to take part in celebrations and entertaining evenings. These times are ideal for sharing delicious meals. Taking advantage of this period to recharge our batteries! After all, it is our families and friends, big and small, that help us enjoy […]

Preventing and managing diabetes, one step at a time

With the busy lives we lead as part of a fast-paced society, traditional full meals are often skipped. What was once a dinner of carrots, turnips, beets, chicken, and potatoes is now a sandwich eaten with one hand while the other is busy typing on a computer keyboard.  And this from one end of the […]

Improving your health through food is it worth the effort?

Even though Nutrition Month is over, we’re still talking about the theme set up by Dietitians of Canada. This time we will be addressing nutrition and its power to improve certain health issues. While in the last post we focused on prevention, this one is about nutrition and its power to improve health. CAN FOOD […]

Water: Should you try drinking more water and how much is enough ?

’Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water is a lot.’’ This is the general reaction that I get from people when I encourage them to drink more water. Yet surprisingly, within 2 weeks of increasing their water consumption, most people will feel the benefits. FAREWELL ‘’TIREDNESS’’, HELLO ‘’VITALITY’’ ‘’I feel much less tired!’’ Indeed, water […]

Why is dieting keeping you from reaching your health goals?

The New Year is upon us, and for many, this means making new resolutions. Did you know that about 45% of people who set resolutions center their goals around weight loss or getting healthier? Although there is no problem with wanting to lead a healthier lifestyle, this resolution leads many people to take up dieting […]

5 steps to nourishing our immune system

You’ll agree with me that these days, we all want to make sure that our health and that of our loved ones is our top priority. And to achieve this, you are probably wondering what foods, in addition to being tasty, would nourish your immune system. That’s what we’re going to try to demystify together […]

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